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Protect Your Vision

What does it mean to have vision? Is it all about seeing with our eyes? In some aspects it is a huge part. In other ways I understand it as having a mindfulness for the future and how it applies to different areas of our lives. Home, family, personal and spiritual visions. We can even tune it back a notch and look at it in small increments. Like, what is today’s vision for me? Or what’s my vision when I graduate high school or college? What’s my vision for my company over the next five years? Breaking it down to the smallest particle to get a really good grasp or understanding of it, then moving outward from that place. Personally, it’s kind of how I learn best. So lets get the definition out of the way.



1. the faculty or state of being able to see. To see with your eyes.

2. the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom.

Webster’s- the ability to see : sight or eyesight. : something that you imagine : a picture that you see in your mind. : something that you see or dream especially as part of a religious or supernatural experience.

So, recently I went through a bit of a physical cleanse. I'm just coming away from all the processed foods or harder to digest foods and doing a bit of a gut reset. Now I’m in a place where I’m slowly introducing certain foods back into my diet as a way to see what feels good and what doesn’t. My vision in this process isn’t to deprive myself of food, but to find out what feels good and makes me happy. So far I’ve lost almost 12 pounds (super stoked) and I want to be in a place where my inflammation levels are super low. With childhood arthritis, and a lot of physical trauma from childhood and marriage, it’s something the doctors say won’t go away but I want to do my part to keep it at bay. I won’t say I won’t have a little treat now and then. Feeling good is my top priority. When I feel good, I get stuff that I love done. I enjoy life and not constantly focused on pain. Life can be full of real challenges, and we are all different. So never compare yourself to someone else and don't put up with any negative crap either. Its not a one size fits all life. It’s good to love ourselves, without regret moving forward towards our goals and doing it in such a way, making it a step by step easily attainable set of ideas. It’s the opposite of just guessing and getting frustrated. Sometimes for me a simple plan that can be adjusted along the way is better than a plan that’s a one size fits all. That my friend is a sure fire way to set yourself up for stress, regret and maybe even failure. So lets make plans to safeguard our vison. In moving forward toward your vision you may even come to a place where we may need to do a little work within ourselves, become physically stronger or find some good counseling for an old mental trauma or injury. I'm a firm believer that improving and educating ourselves first is a strong strike against less failure in the future.

Jeremiah 33:3 says “‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’”

Philippians 4:19. "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

Matthew 6:31-33. "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."‭‭

God loves that you have plans and he wants to see you grow and succeed. He doesn't want to see you stagnant. He instructs us to ASK! Call to me he says! I ask this for you and for me. I want to know which way to go in life, from the big things to the small things. We may even have to make a u turn along the way to redo or relearn but as long as Gods hands are in my life and I want his hands all up in my life, so as to grow stronger, happier and successful. He loves us so much. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out this blogging gig. Thanks for your patience and love.

I hope this has encouraged you, but also given you a new strength and ideas to move forward in the things you love. Whatever is holding you back just ask God to show you and to set your feet on a renewed path with a clear vision of the future. Don’t be surprised if he shows you things in parts. It can be like a treasure hunt sometimes. Lol He’s a good Dad, just keep asking he’ll show you the rest.

Bless you guys, pray for me and please subscribe.

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